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心の病である精神疾患は種類・頻度が多く,近年増加傾向にある。なかでも統合失調症とうつ病(大うつ病性障害:major depressive disorder)は頻度が高く,日常生活に支障をきたし,長期にわたる治療・療養を余儀なくされることが少なくないことから,当事者の苦悩はもちろんのこと社会的な損失も大きい1)。本稿では統合失調症とうつ病の脳機能画像研究について紹介する。
Here I review resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging(rs-fMRI)and positron emission tomography(PET)for schizophrenia and depression. Rs-fMRI studies have shown altered functional connectivity in these disorders and considered to be a potential biomarker for subtyping and treatment prediction. Multi-center studies should be done to have a large set of subjects with standardized procedures. PET has been used to elucidate the pathophysiology of schizophrenia and depression, mainly using monoamine PET probes, and has provided useful information on antipsychotic and antidepressant drug treatment. New targets such as AMPA receptor and tau protein other than monoamine have also been reported.
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