

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Rupture of Left Ventricular Pseudo-false Aneurysm after Myocardial Infarction Akito Kuwano 1 , Masaru Yoshikai 1 , Hisashi Sato 1 , Nagi Hayashi 1 1Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Shin Koga Hospital Keyword: pseudo-false aneurysm , rupture , myocardial infarction pp.106-110
Published Date 2023/2/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.15106/j_kyobu76_106
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We herein present a case of ruptured left ventriclular pseudo-false aneurysm. A 73-year-old female had acute myocardial infarction due to occlusion of the left circumflex artery, and subsequently underwent percutaneous coronary intervention. Three weeks later, however, the patient suddenly fell into a state of shock. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) revealed rupture of left ventricular aneurysm, and emergency surgery was performed. A ruptured aneurysm was observed in the posterior wall, and as the wall of the aneurysm was fragile, it was repaired using double-patch technique. Histopathological examination revealed myocardial cells in the aneurysm wall, confirming diagnosis of pseudo-false aneurysm. Pseudo-false aneurysm is a rare type of left ventricular aneurysm. In cases of rupture in acute or subacute phase of myocardial infarction, when the aneurysm wall is fragile, double-patch repair technique effectively ensures hemostasis and prevents future aneurysm formation.

© Nankodo Co., Ltd., 2023


電子版ISSN 2432-9436 印刷版ISSN 0021-5252 南江堂


