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はじめに 原発性心臓腫瘍は全剖検例のうち0.1%以下の頻度にすぎず,その多くが粘液腫であるとされている.心内膜血液囊腫はさらに稀少で0.07%と報告されている1).われわれは,球状石灰化を伴う可動性右房内腫瘤に対し摘出術を行い,心内膜血液囊腫と診断されたきわめてめずらしい症例を経験したので,文献的考察を含めて報告する.
A 74-years-old man visited our hospital complaining chest discomfort, and he was diagnosed with variant angina. However, during close examination, a tumor with some small calcified nodules was accidentally pointed out in the right atrium. We carried out surgical removal to prevent embolism. A cystic tumor attached to the atrial septum was resected together with the atrial septum, and the defect was closed with a Dacron patch. The tumor size was 18×25×3 mm. Histologically, its wall was consisted of connective tissue, which was positive for CD34, negative for calretinin, and was diagnosed as an endocardial blood cyst. A core of the nodules in the cyst were calcified and they were phleboliths. Postoperative echocardiography detected no residual mass or atrial septal defect, and he was discharged uneventfully.

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