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外科手術後のすみやかな回復をうながし,入院期間を短縮させることを目的とする術後回復促進(enhanced recovery after surgery:ERAS)プロトコールを用いた周術期管理が注目されている1,2).当施設では2015年6月よりERASプロトコールを利用した術後早期離床に取り組んでおり,術後在院日数の短縮に寄与している.さらなる術後回復促進策として,2017年4月より術後疼痛管理の強化を目標にacetaminophenの定期静脈注射を導入した.しかしながら,acetaminophenの定期静脈注射の効果について肺癌手術例での報告は少ない3,4).われわれはERASプロトコールにおけるacetaminophenの定期静脈注射と術後鎮痛効果・有害事象・術後在院日数などの関連を検証することを目的として,後方視的解析を行った.
Background:Only a few studies have examined the effects of regular acetaminophen drip infusion as postoperative analgesia in lung cancer surgery.
Methods:We consecutively collected the medical data of 282 patients who underwent complete resection for lung cancer and divided them into 2 groups according to their postoperative analgesia;248 patients with conventional analgesia (group C) and 34 who received acetaminophen (group A).
Results:There was no significant difference in the surgical approach, length of surgical incision, or postoperative pain scale between the 2 groups. Postoperative vital signs and laboratory data were also not significantly different.
Conclusion:Postoperative analgesia with acetaminophen was conducted safely, but its effect on postoperative pain did not differ from the conventional analgesia.

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