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インドシアニングリーン(indocyanine green:ICG)は従来,肝機能や循環機能検査薬として臨床使用されてきた.近年になりICGの蛍光特性を利用したイメージング法(ICG蛍光イメージング)が,機器の進歩とともに消化器癌手術に導入されてきた1).まず,肝臓癌手術の肝切離範囲の決定や胃癌,大腸癌などのセンチネルリンパ節の同定において,このICG蛍光イメージング法を用いたナビゲーション手術の有用性が報告されてきたが,ICGは血漿蛋白とすみやかに結合し安定化する特性があり,消化管癌手術時の血流評価での有用性も検討されるようになってきた.われわれはICG蛍光ナビゲーションシステムを利用して食道癌術後の再建胃管の血流評価を行い,その有用性を報告してきた.本稿では食道癌手術における蛍光ナビゲーション手術の現況を概説し,本手技の今後を展望する.
Indocyanine green (ICG) fluorescence imaging provides high sensitivity and significant contrast because of its low inherent autofluorescence background and high tissue penetration. Recent studies have shown that ICG fluorescence can visualize the blood flow of the gastric conduit in patients undergoing esophagectomy. We have reported the usefulness of ICG fluorescence imaging as a tool of navigation surgery under esophagectomy. We focused on the ICG fluorescence blood speed on the gastric conduit wall and demonstrated that intraoperative navigation of the blood speed by ICG fluorescence imaging in the gastric conduit wall is a useful means to predict the risk of anastomotic leakage after esophagectomy. Based on the progress of optical electronic equipment, ICG fluorescence imaging can be utilized during endoscopic surgery for gastrointestinal malignancies. Furthermore, robotic surgery is accepted in the Japanese insurance system this year. In near future, ICG fluorescence navigation surgery will improve along with the progress of minimally invasive surgery including the robotic surgery.

© Nankodo Co., Ltd., 2018