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自己免疫性疾患や間質性肺炎に対するステロイド,免疫抑制薬の長期投与例や,癌患者に対する化学療法に伴い日和見感染症である肺真菌症は増加傾向にある1).その中でも肺アスペルギルス症は深在性真菌症の中でも頻度が高く,外科的切除が必要となる機会も増加してきている.しかし,その病態は複雑で,診断・治療の困難さから治療のエビデンスが乏しいのが現状である2,3).慢性肺アスペルギルス症(chronic pulmonary aspergillosis:CPA)の中でも,単純性肺アスペルギルス症(simple pulmonary aspergilloma:SPA)は唯一手術が第一選択である.慢性進行性肺アスペルギルス症(chronic progressive pulmonary aspergillosis:CPPA)は,有害事象などの理由から抗真菌薬の投与が困難な症例,喀血血痰を繰り返す症例などで手術が行われてきた.しかし,広範囲の胸膜への強固な癒着,大量出血,手術時間が長時間に及ぶなど手術侵襲が高く,気管支断端瘻や感染など術後合併症のリスクが高いことから,手術は積極的には行われず,ガイドラインでもエビデンスは存在しない.しかし,CPPAの中でも手術治療により根治しうる症例を経験することがある.
Objectives:The purpose of this study is to assess retrospectively our treatment strategy for chronic pulmonary aspergillosis (CPA).
Patients and method:From 2002 to 2015, 11 patients underwent pulmonary resection for CPA in our hospital. Six patients were diagnosed simple pulmonary aspergilloma (SPA) and 5 were chronic progressive pulmonary aspergillosis (CPPA). Clinical characteristics, preoperative treatment, postoperative treatment, surgical procedure, postoperative complication, recurrence, and prognosis were retrospectively reviewed.
Results:Two patients of SPA and 5 of CPPA were treated with antifungal agents preoperatively. Two patients required wedge resection and 4 required lobectomy in SPA. Five patients required lobectomy in CPPA. All patients were treated with antifungal agents postoperatively. One patient presented recurrent disease in both SPA and CPPA. All patients has been alive.
Conclusion:Surgical resection of CPA leads good results in selected patients. The treatment with surgery with perioperative antifungal treatment is thought to be important based on our experience.

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