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心臓再同期療法(cardiac resynchronization therapy:CRT)は重症心不全例に対する有効な治療法と報告1)されて以来,拡張型心筋症(dilated cardiomyopathy:DCM)などの治療に効果をあげている.しかしながら,DCMに対して除細動機能付きCRT(CRT defibrillator:CRT-D)を行っても機能的僧帽弁逆流(function
A 72-year-old man was admitted to our hospital because of dyspnea. He had a history of cardiac resynchronization therapy for congestive heart failure due to dilated cardiomyopathy 6 months previously. Echocardiography revealed severe functional mitral regurgitation which had been mild 6 months before. Because medical treatment was ineffective, on-pump beating mitral valve replacement using a bioprosthesis was performed to prevent reperfusion injury. The patient was easily weaned from cardiopulmonary bypass with low-dose inotropic support and scheduled intra-aortic balloon pump. Then, he was discharged in a good condition on the 37th postoperative day. Beating mitral valve replacement seems to be a good surgical option for patients with poor left ventricular function.

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