

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


A fact-finding survey regarding the circulating nursing actions of surgical nurses during the Great East Japan Earthquake and sub-acute phases of disaster Aya Matsumoto 1 , Satomi Sugawara 2 Keyword: 手術看護 , 災害亜急性期 , 東日本大震災 , Surgical nursing , sub-acute phases of disaster , Great East Japan Earthquake pp.27-37
Published Date 2014/5/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.7008200427
  • Abstract
  • Reference

 This study aims to clarify what kinds of circulating nursing was carried out by surgery nurses who experienced sub-acute phases of disaster at the time of the Great East Japan Earthquake. The study was carried out in April and May 2012. Seven hospitals were randomly selected from a total of 33 Japan Operative Nursing Academy-registered hospitals in Prefeture A, excluding facilities that were directly damaged by the tsunami. The contents of the questions were structured in reference to the contents of nursing carried out by surgical nurses,which are classified and displayed on a fishbone diagram produced by a surgical-nursing-approved nursing association for the purpose of “the safe protection and speedy recovery of patients.”

 Each item requests subjects to fill in details of the differences between nursing duties during normal times and those during sub-acute phases of disaster. The results indicate that during sub-acute phases of disaster, “nursing that minimizes the impact on patients affected by the damage” and “flexibility in dealing with situations in response to the circumstances of sub-acute phases of disaster” are different from the circulating nursing that takes place during normal times.

Copyright © 2014, Japan Society of Disaster Nursing All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 1345-0204 日本災害看護学会


