

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Primary Breast Cancer Patients' Experiences Related to Explanations of the Disease to Their School-age Children Yoshimi Kubota 1 , Kiyomi Hirose 1 , Kyoko Yokoyama 1 , Miki Ishii 2 1Gunma Prefectural College of Health Sciences 2Isesaki Municipal Hospital Keyword: 初発乳がん患者 , 母親 , 子どもへの告知 , 学童期 , primary breast cancer patient , mother , explanations of the disease , school-age children pp.273-282
Published Date 2021/12/31
  • Abstract
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 Objective: We aimed to clarify primary breast cancer patients' experiences in explaining the disease to their school-age children to improve the quality of nursing practice in this area.

 Methods: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 13 mothers with primary breast cancer receiving initial treatment, and the obtained data were analyzed using Krippendorff's content analysis.

 Results: Primary breast cancer patients' experiences related to explanations of the disease to their children were summarized into 7 categories, including 【experiencing distress due to the necessity of continuously providing such explanations as a mother】, 【considering the child's ability to understand and psychological burden】, and 【realizing the child's mental growth and the development of a favorable mother-child relationship through explanations】.

 Discussion: While repeatedly facing distress due to the development of cancer and burden of explaining the disease to their children, the patients judged the children's levels of understanding from the perspective of language conceptualization during the elementary school period and carefully examined how and what to explain to them. After explanation, the patients simultaneously perceived the children's emotional upset, which was expressed through mother-child interactions, and desire to mentally and physically support their mothers, demonstrating that explanation of the disease leads to both the mental growth of children and the development of trust-based mother-child relationships.

 This suggested that by explaining the disease, patients realize the mental growth of their children, who begin to cope with cancer treatment together with them and become their driving force for cancer treatment after explanations, further promoting a favorable mother-child relationship. Based on this study, nursing practice for mothers with cancer should focus on mother-child relationships from initial consultations and continuously support patients to practically reduce the distress they repeatedly face due to the burden of explaining the disease to their children. Information provision, consultation, and support for appropriate explanations from the perspective of language conceptualization may also be important.

Copyright © 2021, Japanese Society of Cancer Nursing All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2189-7565 印刷版ISSN 0914-6423 日本がん看護学会


