

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


The Process of Rebuilding the Interrelationship between Cancer Patients who Underwent a Total Hysterectomy and Their Partner Yayoi Kurosawa 1 , Misako Tanabe 2 , Kiyoko Kanda 3 1Maebashi East Nursing School 2Takasaki University of Health and Welfare, Faculty of Nursing 3Gunma University Graduate School of Health Sciences Keyword: がん患者 , 子宮全摘出術 , 配偶者 , 関係性 , 性的関係性 , 自己価値観 , cancer patients , hysterectomy , partner , interrelationship , sexual relationship , self-worth pp.3-12
Published Date 2010/5/25
  • Abstract
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 This study identified the psychological process of how cancer patients, who experienced a total hysterectomy, recognized their self-worth and then, after their operation, rebuilt the relationship with their partners, and examined nursing support for them. Data was collected from a purposive sample of nine participants through semi-structured interviews and analyzed qualitatively, guided by a modified-grounded theory approach(M-GTA).

 The cancer patients who had a total hysterectomy rebuilt their relationships through two key experiences: "rebuilding their sexual relationship" and "intensifying partner intimacy". Rebuilding their sexual relationship revealed two stages: discomposure of sexual self-worth and overcoming the loss of sexual self-worth. The stage of the discomposure was characterized by six sub-categories: a sense of losing sexual self-worth; awareness of a change in sexual function; anxiety about penetration touching their wound; hesitation to search for sexual information; respect for the sexual needs of their partner and the dilemma caused by the medical approval of resuming sexual intercourse.

 As patients were overcoming the loss of their sexual self-worth, three types of experiences revealed how they regained their self-worth:(1)making efforts to reduce pain during sexual intercourse because they recognized that engaging in sexual intercourse was important(rerecognition of sexual self-worth);(2)recognizing there was no change in the relationship with their partner regardless of sexual intercourse(re-recognition of sexual self-worth by being free from the conventional value of sexual intercourse), and(3)they did not feel sexually motivated and had guilt feelings for avoiding sex life they made an anguished choice to not engage sexually and reached a re-recognition of self-worth.

 Patients received understanding and support from their partner and they cared about their partner. These two experiences made their sense of solidarity strong and deep.

 Nurses need to understand the psychological and emotional suffering that cancer patients endure after a total hysterectomy. This research adds to the body of knowledge that will assist nurses in creating systems to support a smooth rebuilding of the relationship with their partners. Central to this nursing care is providing pertinent sexual information and psychological and emotional support.

Copyright © 2010, Japanese Society of Cancer Nursing All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2189-7565 印刷版ISSN 0914-6423 日本がん看護学会


