

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Association between Frequency or Confidence of ICT Devices Utilization and Self-efficacy of Neighborhood Watch or Frequency of Home Visits for Older Adults among Local Volunteers Akari Torimoto 1 , Ayumi Kono 2 , Naotaka Ikeda 3 1Former of School of Nursing, Osaka City University 2Department of Community-based Integrated Care Science, School of Nursing, Osaka Metropolitan University 3Department of Home Health Nursing, School of Nursing, Osaka Metropolitan University Keyword: 住民ボランティア , ICT機器 , 見守り活動 , 自己効力感 , local volunteers , ICT devices , neighborhood watch , self-efficacy pp.71-78
Published Date 2023/12/31
  • Abstract
  • Reference

 Aim: The present study aims to examine the association between frequency or confidence of information and communication technology (ICT) devices utilization and self-efficacy of neighborhood watch or frequency of home visits for older adults among local volunteers (LVs).

 Methods: A total of 927 LVs living in two municipalities were studied using self-reported anonymous surveys. The frequency and confidence of ICT usage, self-efficacy of neighborhood watch, and frequency of home visits for older adults among LVs were measured. Two multivariate logistic regression analyses adjusted for sociodemographic characteristics were conducted, investigating frequency or confidence of ICT usage as the independent variables and self-efficacy of neighborhood watch or frequency of home visits for older adults as dependent variables.

 Results: Among 451 LVs (aged ≥65 years: 76.0% of the total participants, with females comprising 67.6%), 11.3% persons had basic phones, while 33.9% possessed smart phones. The rate of persons having more than one ICT device was 54.8%. High levels of confidence of ICT device usage significantly associated with the self-efficacy of neighborhood watch for older adults among LVs (odds ratio=1.57, 95% confidence interval=1.04-2.38, p-value=.03).

 Conclusion: The results suggest that confidence in usage of ICT devices could positively associated with self-efficacy of neighborhood watch for older adults, among LVs.

Copyright © 2023, Japan Academy of Nursing Science. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-8888 印刷版ISSN 0287-5330 日本看護科学学会


