

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


A Concept Analysis of End-of-life Discussions with Cancer Patients Midori Kadowaki 1 1Graduate School of Nursing Science, St. Luke's International University Keyword: がん患者 , 終末期 , 話し合い , アドバンスケアプランニング , 概念分析 , cancer patient , end-of-life discussions , advance care planning , concept analysis pp.263-272
Published Date 2016/12/31
  • Abstract
  • Reference
  • Cited by

Background: Long-term survival has been made possible with the development of novel treatments for cancer. However, there are many patients with repeat hospitalizations and discharges depending on the changes in their conditions while continuing treatment and gradually shifting to the terminal stage. Therefore, there has been an increasing demand for discussions about end-of-life in terms of the choice or cessation of treatment and how to spend the end-of-life.

Purpose: This research aimed to clarify and conceptualize the characteristics of end-of-life discussions (EOLd) with cancer patients.

Method: The study involved data analysis using Rodger's approach. Forty-five reports in the literature in the fields of nursing and medicine published between 2000 and 2015 were selected.

Results: From the analysis of these reports, the following nine categories were extracted as attributes: “Judge the timing of end-of-life discussions”, “The contents of a discussion are made a document”, “Discussion about treatment and care in the end of life and dying process“, “Discussion about recuperation place”, “Discussion about patient's hope and preference”, “Knowledge provision to the family and discussions about family's values and preferences”, “Respect of valuation and individuality”, “Shared by a team of the medical staff, patient, and their family”, “Build the relationship and support the decision making”.

Conclusion: The EOLd with cancer patients can be defined as follows: “Discussion about treatment, palliative care, and recuperation for advanced cancer, which is based on a team approach and the relationship between patients and their families and healthcare providers, while respecting the patient's values and individuality.” Improvement of the QOL of patients who are in their end-of-life stage was realized through the process of own decision making involving the interplay of attributes and antecedents arriving at consequences.

Copyright © 2016, Japan Academy of Nursing Science. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-8888 印刷版ISSN 0287-5330 日本看護科学学会


