

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


The Frequency of NANDA's Nursing Diagnoses in Japan Yuko Kuroda 1 , Masae Oda 2 , Tokiko Kikuchi 3 , Yasuyuki Tanahashi 4 , Takao Nakaki 1 1The Japanese Red Cross College of Nursing 2Seinan Jogakuin University 3Miyagi University 4Master Course of the Japanese Red Cross of Nursing Keyword: 看護診断 , NANDA , 使用頻度 , Nursing Diagnosis , NANDA , Frequency pp.6-14
Published Date 2003/3/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.7004100135
  • Abstract
  • Reference

 The purpose of this research was to identify the frequency of nursing diagnoses in Japan. The survey of the frequency was conducted using the scale which had one hundred twenty eighth NANDA's Nursing Diagnoses. As a result, these findings were as follows: a) Almost of NANDA's Nursing Diagnoses of one hundred twenty eighth were used slightly, b) There were five NANDA's Nursing Diagnoses which showed high frequency, Risk for Infection, Anxiety, Impaired Skin Integrity, Constipation and Bathing/Hygiene Self-care Deficit, c) There were four NANDA's Nursing Diagnoses which showed low frequency, Disorganized Infant Behavior, Rape-Trauma Syndrome, Ineffective Sexuality Patterns and Latex Allergy Response, d) There were some NANDA's Nursing Diagnoses which showed a specific nursing care according to the clinical setting and e) The frequency of NANDA's Nursing Diagnoses was significantly related to an opportunity of training about Nursing Diagnosis.

Copyright © 2003, Japan Society of Nursing Diagnosis. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2758-643X 印刷版ISSN 1341-3007 日本看護診断学会


