

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Development of nursing care guide for enhancing self-care in diabetic outpatients with autonomic neuropathy Michiko Aoki 1 , Yoshiyuki Takahashi 2 , Kumiko Kuroda 1 , Harue Masaki 1 1Graduate School of Nursing, Chiba Universit 2Faculty of Health Science, Toho University Keyword: 糖尿病 , 自律神経障害 , 援助ガイド , 外来看護 , 症状マネジメント理論 pp.115-127
Published Date 2019/3/31
  • Abstract
  • Reference

 The purpose of this study was to “develop a nursing care guide for enhancing self-care in diabetic outpatients with autonomic neuropathy” (“the guide”) for proficient nurse. First, we made a tentative guide by analyzing a previous study of patients with diabetic autonomic neuropathy in which the nursing care and its results were described in details. Next, we applied this guide to design the care provided to three model patients, tested its effectiveness and, finally, consulted expert nurses and researchers for improvement.

 The guide was composed of a general introduction, explanation about using the guide and the nursing care plan which includes the nursing goal, the aspects of nursing care, the patient's goal and methods to reach those goal. Aspects of care can be categorized as: supporting the symptom management, supporting the arrangement of a safe living, and supporting comfortable daily life. As a result of using the guide during nursing care intervention, we noticed a better management of symptoms, an increase in feelings of safety and comfort, and an increased self-confidence in patients.

 This study suggests, that a holistic, relevant and flexible approach to care using the guide we developed can meet the multiple and diverse needs of patients with diabetic autonomic neuropathy.

Copyright © 2019, Japan Academy of Diabetes Education and Nursing. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2432-3713 印刷版ISSN 1342-8497 日本糖尿病教育・看護学会


