

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Ethical issues experienced by operating room nurses during COVID-19 Tensho KINOSHITA 1,2 , Rika YATSUSHIRO 3 1Kagoshima University Graduate School of Health Sciences 2National Hospital Organization Kagoshima Medical Center Operating Room 3School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Kagoshima University Keyword: COVID-19 , 手術室 , 看護師 , 倫理的問題 , operating room , nurses , ethical issues pp.56-62
Published Date 2024/3/20
  • Abstract
  • Reference

 Objective: This study aimed to examine the ethical issues experienced by operating room nurses regarding the coronavirus disease (COVID-19).

 Methods: A total of 746 operating room nurses (excluding chief nurses, nurses with less than 1 year of experience, and part-time staff) were surveyed using a self-administered, anonymous questionnaire and their free-text responses were analyzed using qualitative induction.

 Results: Ethical issues experienced by operating room nurses during COVID-19 were organized into 4 categories: care for patients undergoing surgery; hospital systems and policies; restrictions on interviews and visits; and discrimination against, prejudice toward, and restrictions on them and their families.

 Conclusion: Operating room nurses experienced ethical issues that made it difficult to care for patients while working on COVID-19 prevention measures, and having theirs and their families' private lives restricted along with facing discrimination and prejudice from society.

Copyright © 2024, The Japan Nursing Ethics Associatin. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2434-7361 印刷版ISSN 1883-244X 日本看護倫理学会


