

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Certified nursing support in neonatal intensive care to parents in shared decision-making regarding withholding or withdrawing treatment of critically ill children Rina HARAGUCHI 1,2 1Doctoral Candidate, Graduate School of Nursing, Mukogawa Women's University 2Kobe City College of Nursing:2 Keyword: 新生児集中治療室 , 新生児集中ケア認定看護師 , , 協働意思決定支援 , neonatal intensive care unit , certified neonatal intensive care nurse , parent , shared decision making pp.30-39
Published Date 2024/3/20
  • Abstract
  • Reference

 This study examined the nursing support certified neonatal intensive care unit(NICU)nurses provided in shared decision-making situations of withholding and withdrawing life-sustaining treatment for critically ill children. Data was collected from 14 certified neonatal intensive care nurses using semi-structured interviews and analyzed qualitatively. The analysis results were categorized into 57 codes, 15 subcategories, and five categories. The five categories included [primary nurse-centered involvement with the family], [coordination of care and environment for the child and parents], [coordination and collaboration with multidisciplinary], [understanding and validation of parents' thoughts and values], and [discussion to develop the treatment plan]. The primary nurses provided support by modifying the environment to make it easier for the child and parents to spend time together and assisting parents in experiencing parenthood and understanding their child's condition. Additionally, information was shared by cooperating and collaborating with multidisciplinary and stepwise discussions were held while understanding the parents' thoughts and values to help them make decisions.

Copyright © 2024, The Japan Nursing Ethics Associatin. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2434-7361 印刷版ISSN 1883-244X 日本看護倫理学会


