

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Clarification of the support for ethical coordination and consultation by the Certified Nurse Specialists in the ethics education program related to nurses' moral efficacy Setsuko UMEDA 1 , Yumiko HANAFUSA 1 , Sachiko MORITA 1 , Hiroe MARUYAMA 1 , Satoshi INAGAKI 2 , Itsuko ISHIHARA 3 1Department of Nursing, Kobe City Medical Center General Hospital 2Kobe City College of Nursing Foundation of Nursing 3Kobe City College of Nursing Keyword: 道徳的効力感 , 倫理教育プログラム , アクションリサーチ , 社会認知理論 , 倫理調整 , 倫理コンサルテーション , moral efficacy , ethics education program , action research , social cognitive theory , ethics coordination , ethics consultation pp.20-29
Published Date 2024/3/20
  • Abstract
  • Reference

 The purpose of this study was to clarify the support provided by the CNSs(Certified Nurse Specialists)in an ethics education program related to nurses' moral efficacy and to discuss the role of CNS consultation and ethics coordination. We introduced action research into the research method, conversations on nursing practice of ethical cases between participating nurses and the CNSs were recorded, and the verbatim transcripts were analyzed qualitatively and descriptively. As a result, the following six categories of CNSs' practices were extracted; "Leading the participants' concerns to the essence of the problem", "Assessing participants' abilities and selecting feasible educational methods", "Proposing strategies for solving ethical issues", "Utilizing and coordinating resources", "Providing support and leading to realization while paying attention to the energy of the participants ", "Drawing out the participant's abilities and realize a practice that will lead to confidence". The CNSs support may have enhanced the participants' sense of self-efficacy and influenced their ethical decision-making and ethical practice. This suggests the importance of the ethical coordination and consultation role of the CNSs in this program.

Copyright © 2024, The Japan Nursing Ethics Associatin. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2434-7361 印刷版ISSN 1883-244X 日本看護倫理学会


