

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Components and relational models of ethical competence in nursing care Emi YOSHIOKA 1 , Sayuri KANEKO 2 1International University of Health and Welfare School of Health Sciences at Odawara 2Miyagi University Keyword: 看護師 , 看護倫理 , 看護ケア , コンピテンシー , 共分散構造分析 , nurse , nursing ethics , nursing care , competency , structural model pp.3-10
Published Date 2024/3/20
  • Abstract
  • Reference

 The purpose of this study was to clarify the components of ethical competence in nursing care and the relationship between the components, improve nurses' ethical behavior, and examine more effective organizational support. A questionnaire survey was conducted on 189 nurses working at three regional medical support hospitals in the Kanto-Koshinetsu region. Ethical competence in nursing was a sevencomponent construct. The relationship between the components was divided into two routes, from [Identification of ethical issues] to [Sharing of ethical issues] to〈Nursing practice〉, and from [Identification of ethical issues] to〈Nursing practice〉. Then the relationship with [Lessons of ethical practice] was demonstrated. The latent variable〈Nursing practice〉was associated with four behavioral competencies. Based on the relationship between the components of ethical competencies in nursing care, we believe that nurses require training that focuses on acquiring the seven competencies and support from those around them.

Copyright © 2024, The Japan Nursing Ethics Associatin. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2434-7361 印刷版ISSN 1883-244X 日本看護倫理学会


