

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


A case study of return to work through step-by-step intervention in a daycare rehabilitation center with management of collaboration among multiple professions, family members, and companies Kosuke Ota 1 , Shuri Niiyama 1 1Geriatric Health Services Facility Heart Land Keyword: 就労支援 , 通所リハビリテーション , 多職種連携 , Support for reinstatement , Daycare rehabiritation center , Collaboration with multiple professions pp.565-572
Published Date 2024/8/15
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 A man in his 40s who developed a left capsular hemorrhage 10 months earlier and presented with severe right hemiplegia and higher brain dysfunction was provided with employment support in a daycare rehabilitation center far from his workplace. In order to return to work, he needed to bathe, do housework, use public transportation for commuting, and learn the job of “construction estimation” in order to live independently outside of the prefecture. Through a step-by-step intervention managed in collaboration with multiple professions, family members, and companies, the subject returned to work after 42 months of intervention. In employment support, it was important for the subject and the company to understand the characteristics of the disability, and evaluation and practice in an actual environment were essential for this. The occupational therapist's role in setting up the situation and managing the collaboration with supporters is significant, and we believe that there is a high need for employment support in daycare rehabilitation as well.

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電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 0289-4920 日本作業療法士協会


