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Influence of kinesiophobia on short-term outcomes after volar locking plating for distal radius fractures Rikiya Shirato 1 , Yuka Yamanaka 2 , Hiroto Ito 2 , Takashi Oda 3 , Takuro Wada 3 1Major of Occupational Therapy, Department of Rehabilitation, Faculty of Healthcare and Science, Hokkaido Bunkyo University 2Department of Occupational Therapy, Saiseikai Otaru Hospital 3Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Saiseikai Otaru Hospital Keyword: 橈骨遠位端骨折 , 掌側ロッキングプレート , 運動恐怖 , DASH , 心理・社会的因子 , Distal radius fracture , Volar locking plating , Kinesiophobia , Psychological and social factors pp.462-469
Published Date 2024/8/15
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 Ninety-two patients (92 hands) with distal radius fractures after volar locking plating (VLP) were divided into two groups: those with a low degree and those with a high degree of fear of movement (FOM) using the cutoff values of the Japanese version of the Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia in the early postoperative period; the short-term outcomes between the two groups were compared. Pain during activity, wrist ulnar deviation angle and Disability of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (DASH) scores at 1 month and 3 months postoperatively were significantly worse in the patients in the high FOM group than in those in the low FOM group. A high FOM in the early postoperative period after VLP for distal radius fracture may affect short-term objectives and subjective symptoms, as well as functional recovery.

Copyright © 2024, Japanese Association of Occupational Therapists. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 0289-4920 日本作業療法士協会


