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要旨:橈骨遠位端骨折における疼痛と機能的および心理的要因との関連性は散見されているが,患側上肢の使用状況とこれらの関連性をみた研究は見当たらない.本研究は,橈骨遠位端骨折患者の術後早期における患側上肢の使用状況と機能的および心理的要因との関連性,そして術後2週時点における患者の状態と3ヵ月後の慢性疼痛との関連性を検討した.その結果,PDASはPSEQとHand 20はNRSと中等度の相関関係を認めた.しかし,慢性疼痛の有無における検討では関連性は認められなかった.このことから,橈骨遠位端骨折患者は術後早期より日常生活における患側上肢の使用状況が高いほど,自己効力感が高くなる可能性が示唆された.
Although there are scattered associations between pain and functional and psychological factors in distal radius fractures, there are no studies looking at these associations with the use of the affected upper limb. This study investigated the association between functional and psychological factors and the use of the affected upper limb in the early postoperative period among patients with distal radius fractures, and between the patient's condition at 2 weeks postoperatively and chronic pain 3 months later. The results showed that PDAS was moderately correlated with PSEQ and Hand 20 with NRS. However, no association was found in the study in the presence of chronic pain. This suggests that patients with distal radius fractures may have higher self-efficacy with higher use of the affected upper limb in daily life from the early postoperative period.

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