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要旨:本研究では精神科デイケアに通所する統合失調症患者のQOLに影響を及ぼす心理的・環境的要因を検討した.横断研究を行い55名の対象者から基本的属性,家族同居の有無,WHOQOL26, CSQ-8J,精神障害者居場所感尺度を収集した.次にWHOQOL26と有意に相関する項目及び家族同居を独立変数としWHOQOL26を従属変数として重回帰分析をした.その結果,WHOQOL26合計点にはCSQ-8Jによるケアの満足度と家族同居が影響する要因であり,ケアの満足度が家族との同居よりも影響することが明らかになった.ここから統合失調症患者のQOL向上にはケアの満足度と家族同居の有無が重要点と考えられた.
This study investigated the psychological and environmental factors that influence the Quality of Life (QOL) of schizophrenia patients attending psychiatric day care. Fifty-five subjects participated in Cross-sectional research which collected data on basic attributes, whether they lived with family, WHOQOL26, CSQ-8J, and the sense of belonging of individuals with mental disorders. Variables significantly correlated with WHOQOL26, and family cohabitation were used as independent variables, with WHOQOL26 serving as the dependent variable in a multiple regression analysis. The results revealed that the overall score of WHOQOL26 was influenced by care satisfaction as measured by CSQ-8J and family cohabitation. Notably, care satisfaction had a more significant impact than living with family. Based on these findings, focusing on care satisfaction and family cohabitation may be crucial for enhancing the QOL of schizophrenia patients.

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