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要旨:本研究は作業療法士(以下,OTR)の統合失調症患者に対する地域生活支援での作業療法評価開発に向けて,評価項目を明らかにすることを目的にした.研究Ⅰでは,地域生活支援の経験を豊富に持つOTR 10名に半構造化面接のデータ分析と情報収集からの評価として8項目の生成と,ICFコアセットに基づいた質問紙調査から62項目を抽出した.研究Ⅱでは,OTR 82名に対しデルファイ法質問紙調査をして中央値と四分位数範囲,同意率で項目の内容妥当性を確認した.最終的に,統合失調症患者の地域生活支援での作業療法評価項目として合計70項目を同定した.
The purpose of this study was to clarify the evaluation items for the development of occupational therapy evaluation in community life support for schizophrenic patients. In Study I, eight items were generated as assessments from information gathered from data analysis of semi-structured interviews with 10 OTRs with extensive experience in community life support, and 62 items were extracted from a questionnaire based on the ICF Core Sets. In Study II, a Delphi questionnaire was administered to 82 OTRs to check the content validity of the items by median, interquartile range, and agreement rate. Finally, a total of 70 items were identified as occupational therapy assessment items in community life support for patients with schizophrenia.

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