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要旨:近年,運動課題と認知課題を同時に行うdual task条件下でのパフォーマンス能力の評価が注目されている.本研究の目的は,入院中の脳卒中患者に座位でのdual task評価を試みた結果とトイレ動作能力との関連を明らかにすることである.対象は当院入院中の脳卒中患者55名とし,dual task評価は座位で計算をしながら足踏みを実施する課題とした.評価の結果はsingle taskに比べdual taskでは運動パフォーマンスが低下傾向にあったが,認知パフォーマンスに変化は見られなかった.dual task評価とトイレ動作能力は関連を認め,バランス評価よりもトイレ動作自立判定の精度が高かった.今後はより臨床的に使いやすい評価方法の検討が必要である.
The purpose of this study was to examine the association between the motor and cognitive performances during dual tasks in the sitting position by evaluating the toileting ability among stroke patients. This study included 55 stroke patients from Showa University Fujigaoka Rehabilitation Hospital. The performances during the dual tasks were evaluated by observing whether or not the participants performed the task with comfortable speed for 30 seconds in the sitting position; the evaluation was done using a simple calculation. Associations among variables were statistically evaluated, and the results showed that the motor performance tended to decrease during the dual tasks as compared to a single task; however, no change was noted in the cognitive performance. The evaluation of dual tasks was based on the toileting ability of the patient, and evaluation of dual tasks was more useful than that of functional balance. However, future studies assessing the evaluation method is necessary.

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