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This study aimed at examining the construct validity and test-retest reliability of the Korean Interest Checklist for the Elderly (K-ICE) which the authors established, and which contained 46 items utilizing exploratory factor analysis. The participants were 242 healthy elderly Koreans living in central Korea. The following 4 factors were extracted: Activities for Daily Living (ADL), Social Activities and Maintaining Health Status, Physical Sports Activities and Activities for Watching Sports and Plays (AWSP). ADL and AWSP reflected gender roles. All K-ICE items were significant according to the test-retest correlations (r = 0.72〜0.97). Cronbach's a was 0.97 for 28 items which constructed the 4 factors. In conclusion K-ICE showed high reliability and validity.

Copyright © 2010, Japanese Association of Occupational Therapists. All rights reserved.