

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Recommendation and an example of the prescription of the opponents splint made of leather Hiroyuki Johnai 1 , Miki Yoshinaka 1 , Masaharu Hamaguchi 1 , Shigeo Yamagami 1 1Nippon Kohkan Hospital, Rehabilitation Center Keyword: (拇指対立装具) , (炎症) , (ROM制限) , Opponents splint , Inflammation , ROM restriction pp.562-566
Published Date 2000/12/25
  • Abstract
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 We have developed an opponents splint made from leather. This splint is prescribed for comparatively mild cases. It is possible to prepare a model ahead of time. It is softended with water, so it takes little time to prepare a model best suited to the patient.

 The splint is made of a soft material, such as leather. So it is safe. The longer it is worn, the better it fits the patient. (In this study, not only do we present the opponents splint made from leather, but also a report and investigation of the patient's prescription.)

Copyright © 2000, Japanese Association of Occupational Therapists. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 0289-4920 日本作業療法士協会


