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The occupational therapists who assist children with disabilities are required to concern themselves with difficulties that these children have during play. In this study, we collected questionnaires from 269 preschool children, including 203 children with disabilities and 66 children without disabilities, to identify experiences that children with disabilities have during play. We have found the following results : 1) The experiences that children with disabilities have during play are less agreeable than that of children without disabilities. In addition these findings differ much according to each child, depending on his/her disability. 2) The more limited a disabled child's ability becomes, the more his/her experiences will differ from those of a child with no disability. 3) There are some activities that children with disabilities can perform easily and other activities that they perform with difficulty. 4) We have identified specific developmental processes which clarify difficulties in the disabled child at play. The occupational therapists are required to organize play activities during treatment, taking these results into consideration.
Copyright © 1998, Japanese Association of Occupational Therapists. All rights reserved.