

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Comparison of movement patterns and duration for putting arm through sleeve due to differing approaches of hemiplegic patients with cerebral apoplexy accompanied by attention disorders and flaccid upper limb paralysis: A case study Yuki Choji 1 , Miyako Kishitani 2,3 , Atushi Nishitani 2 1Toyama Rehabilitation Medical Health and Welfare College 2Saiseikai Kanazawa Hospital 3Ishikawa Prefectural Rehabilitation Center Keyword: ADL , 更衣 , 袖通し , Change of clothes , Put arm through sleeve pp.455-462
Published Date 2018/8/15
  • Abstract
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 We evaluated the combined effects of both drop and hauling methods for putting arms through sleeves in patients with attention disorders and flaccid upper limb paralysis. We measured the maximum time to put an arm through a sleeve, and we evaluated the subjects' behaviors using an iPad. As a result, both training methods showed short sleeve times, and the drop method showed an especially shorter average time than the hauling method. This may be due to a difference in cuff search methods. Furthermore, the drop method may be easier to obtain the fixation of the upper limbs when passing through the sleeves of clothes than the hauling method. Occupational therapists need to consider the characteristics and differences of training methods and differences according to the symptoms of the case.

Copyright © 2018, Japanese Association of Occupational Therapists. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 0289-4920 日本作業療法士協会


