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要旨:最適な健康・医療・介護のあり方を地域住民と医療者が一緒に考えるプロジェクト,AWA café projectを開始した.初年度は「運動と健康:みんなの健康教室」と「食と健康:減塩教室」を実施した.内容は各回とも前・後半に分け,前半は参加者がプログラムを体験し,後半は前半の内容をふまえて参加者全員が自分の考えを言語化して対話を行った.体験と対話の両方を経験した結果,地域住民は健康に対する気づきから意識変化に至り,それは行動発揮を導く動機となった.参加した医療スタッフは,病院から外に目を向け,自分の住む地域で何をすべきかを考える契機となった.地域全体が健康に向かうためには双方の意識変化が重要である.
The AWA cafe project was started to have local residents and medical staff consider optimal health, medical care and nursing. Two health classes were developed: one on general health and one on diet and health, specifically reducing sodium intake. Both classes were divided into two parts: experiencing the program, discussing their experience with the program. As a result of the discussion and their hands-on experience, local residents became more health conscious and improved their lifestyles. This was an opportunity for medical staff to think about the environment outside the hospital and consider how to take actions in their local community. It is important that both local residents and medical staff become aware of improving community health.

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