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要旨:当院地域包括ケア病棟におけるテープ付き紙おむつの日中使用の因子と,ADL,転帰先への影響を調査した.入棟時の属性,身体拘束,FIM,Vitality Index,転倒危険度スコア,Rapid Dementia Screening Test,Short Physical Performance Battery(以下,SPPB)を調査した.テープ付き紙おむつの日中使用はFIM,SPPB,身体拘束が有意に影響しており,使用群は退院時FIMが低く,自宅退院が少なかった.身体拘束はテープ付き紙おむつの日中使用に影響する因子と考えられ,身体拘束を軽減する取り組みが必要と示唆された.
The objectives of this study were to investigate factors affecting the use of disposable diapers during daytime among patients in an integrated community care ward,and their relationship with ADL and discharge destination. We investigated various factors upon admission, including demographic data,physical restraints, FIM, Vitality Index, Fall Risk Index, the Rapid Dementia Screening Test, and Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB). FIM, SPPB and physical restraints were found to be significant contributing factors promoting disposable diapers. The disposable diaper group had lower scores than the non-disposable diaper group on FIM and discharge to home. In conclusion, physical restraints are factors influencing the use of disposable diapers during daytime. Practices which reduce physical restraints will be needed for non-disposable diapers during daytime.

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