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要旨:本研究の目的は,作業療法士によるSchool AMPSとCOPMを用いた評価と相談が保育園児の作業遂行の質と保育士に与える影響を調査することである.園での生活で気になるところがある4歳児クラスの園児8名の作業遂行をSchool AMPSとCOPMを用いて評価し,保育士と園児の問題を解決するための工夫を考えた.School AMPSは137(±26)日後に,COPMは214(±13)日後に再評価した.その結果,COPMの遂行・満足スコア,School AMPSの運動・プロセス能力測定値において,介入前後で有意差が認められた.保育士は園児の作業遂行特性を理解し,園児や状況に合わせて保育のやり方を変更できるようになった.
The purpose of this study was to explore the improvement of occupational performance of preschool students and the effects on a teacher through evaluation and consultation of occupational therapists using School Version of the Assessment of Motor and Process Skills (School AMPS) and the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM). Eight problem students in a 4-year-old class and one teacher in charge of the class were recruited. Students' baseline and post-study occupational performances were measured by School AMPS and COPM. By conducting COPM with the teacher, the students' important occupational problems were identified, and occupational performance and satisfaction scores were calculated. School motor and process qualities of the performance measure were computed by observation of the students' occupational performance using School AMPS. Next, the occupational therapist with the teacher planned strategies to solve students' problems based on the results of School AMPS. After about 5-7 months, COPM and School AMPS were conducted again. Finally, the teacher was interviewed about the effects of occupational therapy. Statistically significant improvements in all 4 scales were demonstrated (p<0.05). From qualitative analysis of interview data, the teacher was able to understand the characteristics of students' occupational performance, and to modify teaching methods and environments to adjust student characteristics and contexts. The teacher recognize the improvement of the students' occupational performance skills and their own teaching skills. Evaluation using School AMPS and COPM, and consultation with the teacher based on results of the evaluation may improve the teaching skills of teachers and the occupational performance of students.

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