

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


13-year occupational therapy practice for right hemiplegia after stroke: Therapeutic intervention for recovery and preservation of upper extremity function and self-management for occupational support Eriko Matsumura 1 , Teru Endo 2 1Toshiba Rinkan Hospital 2Former affiliation; Tokyo Metropolitan University Keyword: 脳梗塞 , 患側上肢 , 機能的作業療法 , 回復過程 , 職場復帰 , Cerebral infarction , Hemiplegic upper extremity , Functional occupational therapy , Recovery process , Resumption of office pp.572-581
Published Date 2011/10/15
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 Occupational therapy was carried out to support to activities of daily living (ADL), return to full-time employment, and improve upper limb function on the paralyzed side in cases of severe right upper limb hemiparesis due to acute stroke. Exercise to recover upper limb function on the paralyzed side was conducted for outpatients during the transition to reinstatement. In the long term, the upper limb function improved to practical activity level from useless level, although recovery was delayed due to severe digit spasticity. Function, gained by recovery of mobility, was positively utilized so that both hands could be used both for work and ADL equally. Furthermore, patients relied heavily on hands for work, resulting in frequent shoulder and neck pain.

 Periodic monitoring and support of hand use are indispensable to maintain recovered function in cases of upper limb paralysis.

Copyright © 2011, Japanese Association of Occupational Therapists. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 0289-4920 日本作業療法士協会


