

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Psychological factors of behavioral intervention for reduction in affected arm use following stroke: A case study using quantitative accelerometry-based assessment of upper limb activity Yuji Minamikawa 1,2 , Yuki Nishi 3,4 , Koki Ikuno 1,2 , Shu Morioka 2,4 1Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Nishiyamato Rehabilitation Hospital 2Graduate School of Health Sciences, Kio University 3Institute of Biomedical Sciences (Health Sciences), Nagasaki University 4Neurorehabilitation Research Center, Kio University Keyword: 脳血管障害 , 行動変容 , 加速度計 , 回復過程 , 訪問リハビリテーション , Cerebral vascular disease , Behavioral modification , Accelerometry , Recovery process , Home visit rehabilitation pp.789-796
Published Date 2024/12/15
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 A patient with mild right hemiplegia showed a reduction in the use of the affected arm in an hospital environment despite previously being able to use it. This was due to the patient's low self-efficacy, nervous personality, and reluctance to have others observe the use of the affected arm. To address this, the patient was encouraged to leave the hospital more often, and the use of the affected arm was monitored using inertial sensors to provide feedback. As a result of these behavior modifications, the patient's self-efficacy, arm function, and activity of the affected arm improved. After being discharged from the hospital, his affected arm activities improved further, approaching unaffected arm activities through continued behavior modifications during home-visit rehabilitation. For patients with mild right hemiplegia, it is important to address the psychological barriers related affected arm use. Changes in the environment (e.g. more frequent outings) and the use of feedback devices can improve self-efficacy and lead to better the use of the affected arm.

Copyright © 2024, Japanese Association of Occupational Therapists. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 0289-4920 日本作業療法士協会


