

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Usefulness of Early-phase Online Home Visits for Improving Therapy for Inpatients in a Convalescent Rehabilitation Ward Yusuke Tamamura 1 , Sonoko Nozaki 2,3 , Hiroaki Asakawa 1 , Hajime Yoshikawa 1 , Michiko Matsuura 1 , Toshio Nishikimi 4 1Department of Rehabilitation, Wakakusa-Tatsuma Rehabilitation Hospital 2Division of Rehabilitation, Wakakusa-Tatsuma Rehabilitation Hospital 3Department of Neurology, Kansai Rosai Hospital 4Department of Medicine, Wakakusa-Tatsuma Rehabilitation Hospital Keyword: 情報通信技術 , information and communication technology , ICT , 家屋訪問 , home visits , 日常生活動作能力 , activities of daily living , ADL , 回復期リハビリテーション病棟 , convalescent rehabilitation ward pp.892-901
Published Date 2023/10/18
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Abstract Objective:Home visits conducted in the early rehabilitation phase through an online connection between the patient's home and the hospital are termed online home visits. They enable real-time sharing of home information and patient and family wishes between the family and the therapists participating from home with healthcare professionals at the hospital. This study aimed to evaluate the usefulness of online home visits.

Methods:We enrolled 75 patients with musculoskeletal or cerebrovascular disease discharged from a convalescent rehabilitation ward and classified them as those who received online home visits (online group, n=25) and in-person home visits (non-online group, n=50) within 7 days of hospitalization. Functional independence measure (FIM) efficiency was compared between the groups. Rehabilitation treatment changes made by therapists after virtual home visits were surveyed.

Results:In patients with musculoskeletal diseases, FIM efficiency was significantly higher, and the length of hospital stay was significantly shorter in the online group (n=14, 1.0 ± 0.5 points/day) than in the non-online group (n=26, 0.7 ± 0.5 points/day) (p<0.05). Many therapists who participated in virtual home visits modified their rehabilitation therapy afterwards by recreating the home environment in the rehabilitation room and implementing rehabilitation therapy for home activities.

Conclusion:Virtual home visits can facilitate rehabilitation therapy more appropriate to the home environment because they provide visual information about the home. The present findings indicate the contribution of online home visits to FIM efficiency improvement and home discharge preparation.

Copyright © 2023, The Japanese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 1881-3526 日本リハビリテーション医学会


