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要旨:近年,遠隔リハビリテーションの有効性が示されている.米国では脳卒中患者に対し,遠隔Constraint-induced movement therapy(CI療法)が古くから試行されている.事例は脳卒中後右片麻痺を呈し,回復期リハビリテーション病棟退院後当院への外来受診を検討していたが,通院が困難であった.したがって,1回40分の遠隔CI療法を週2回の頻度で計8回実施した.結果,Fugl-Meyer Assessment,Motor Activity Logが回復期リハビリテーション病棟退院後に,臨床的に意味のある最小変化量を超える改善を認めた.本報告では,遠隔CI療法における経過を報告する.
Recently, the effectiveness of telerehabilitation has been demonstrated. Teleconstraint-induced movement therapy (CI therapy) for stroke patients has a long history in the United States. A patient with right hemiplegia after stroke was discharged from a rehabilitation ward and considered visiting our hospital as an outpatient, but due to difficulty in traveling to the hospital, we performed tele-CI therapy for 40 minutes twice a week for a total of 8 sessions. As a result, the Fugl-Meyer Assessment and Motor Activity Log showed improvement beyond the minimum clinically meaningful change after discharge from the rehabilitation ward. This report describes the progress of remote CI therapy.

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