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要旨 目的:頭頚部がん喉頭摘出者(喉摘者)の状況を機能,活動,参加,環境などから調査し,quality of life(QOL)関連因子を検討する.
方法:対象は,日本喉摘者団体所属の喉摘者とした.調査項目は,基本属性,QOL,サルコペニア,頚部・上肢機能,上肢関連activities of daily living(ADL)などとした.統計解析は,相関分析後に多重ロジスティック回帰分析を行い,QOL関連因子を検討した.
Abstract Objective:To research studies on patients with head and neck cancer who underwent laryngectomy (patients with laryngectomy) in terms of function, activity, participation, and environment, and examine quality of life (QOL) -related factors.
Methods:The participants were patients who underwent laryngectomy and belonged to the Japanese Laryngectomy Clubs. We investigated basic attributes, QOL, sarcopenia, neck and upper limb function, and upper limb-related activities of daily living (ULADL). Statistical analysis was performed using multiple logistic regression analysis after correlation analysis to investigate QOL-related factors.
Results:The number of valid responders was 272 patients, median age was 74.0 years, median postoperative follow-up was 8.7 years, and 94 were still employed after surgery. Multiple logistic regression analysis results revealed that factors related to QOL included ULADL, sarcopenia, and neck and upper limb function.
Conclusions:The QOL-related factors of laryngectomy were neck and upper limb function, ULADL, and sarcopenia. Rehabilitation for these factors is considered important in improving QOL.

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