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2019年12月,中国の武漢市で新型コロナウィルス感染症(coronavirus disease 2019:COVID-19)がアウトブレイクした.これまでにCOVID-19についての報告が多数なされているが,集中治療室(intensive care unit:ICU)入室中および退室後を通じた高齢COVID-19患者のリハビリテーション治療に関する報告はない.
われわれは,クルーズ船内でCOVID-19感染症を発症し,その後に生じた急性呼吸窮迫症候群(acute respiratory distress syndrome:ARDS)に対して体外式膜型人工肺(extracorporeal membrane oxygenation:ECMO)を必要とした高齢の米国人女性のリハビリテーションを経験した.
COVID-19は治療法も確立されておらず,その治療には難渋した.厳重な感染対策を行いながらの呼吸器管理を必要としたが,最終的には救命できた.われわれは急性期からリハビリテーションを開始したが,感染対策や言葉の問題などに加え,肺炎が軽快してからも廃用によりactivities of daily living(ADL)の回復に時間を要した.すでにこの症例の呼吸器管理を中心とした臨床経過を報告しているが1),今回は肺炎軽快後もADL再獲得に難渋した本症例のリハビリテーション治療について報告する.なお,本人にはヘルシンキ宣言に則り書面で説明を行い,同意を得た.
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has been spreading globally since 2019;however, comprehensive rehabilitation of elderly patients with COVID-19 pneumonia remains a challenge. A 76-year-old American woman with COVID-19 pneumonia was admitted to our hospital. Because her disease was complicated by acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), she was treated with intensive care, including invasive ventilation and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO). During and after intensive care, she exhibited physical symptoms such as weakness, pain, shortness of breath, and difficulty in movement and exercise. Furthermore, during approximately 3.5 months of hospitalization, she received swallowing and speech therapies along with physical therapy. These rehabilitation therapies enabled her to get home in the United States. Her rehabilitation schedule had to be carefully planned according to her symptoms and infectiousness of COVID-19. This paper highlights few important points regarding the difficulty in rehabilitation including that of physical function, mental health, and cognitive function of patients with COVID-19. Furthermore, this report provides a problem-solving approach for long-term rehabilitation in elderly patients with COVID-19 pneumonia.

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