

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Symposium:Current state of communication support programs for people with aphasia:Communication support for people with aphasia Hiroshi Tomihara 1 1Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Social Welfare and War Victims' Relief Bureau Department of Health and Welfare for Persons with Disabilities Policy Planning Division Keyword: 障害者総合支援法 , 意思疎通支援 , 失語症者向け意思疎通支援者 , 障害者による情報の取得及び利用並びに意思疎通に係る施策の推進に関する法律 , Persons with Disabilities General Support Act , communication support , training communication supporter for people with aphasia , Act on the Promotion of Measures Concerning Acquisition and Use of Information and Communication by Persons with Disabilities pp.81-88
Published Date 2024/6/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.6001200466
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 Communication support for people with aphasia is being implemented based on the Act on Comprehensive Support for Persons with Disabilities following the discussions at the Disability Committee of the Social Security Council, research and pilot projects. Communication support for people with aphasia needs to be provided flexibly according to the condition of the characteristics of the region, which requires cooperation among groups of people with aphasia, local governments, and prefectural speech-language-hearing therapists' associations. Communication support is becoming increasingly important, as laws to promote equal access to information for people with disabilities are newly enforced.

Copyright © 2024, Japanese Association of Speech-Language-Hearing Therapists. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 1349-5828 日本言語聴覚士協会


