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本研究は,失語症者の発話の使用状況を評価するVerbal Activity Log(VAL)の日本語版を作成し,その信頼性と妥当性を検討することを目的とした.VALは,12の日常生活場面における発話の使用状況とその質を11段階で,患者本人と家族が評価するものである.信頼性と妥当性の検討は11名の脳卒中による失語症者を対象に行った.その結果,内的整合性,検者間信頼性ともに高い信頼性が認められた.また,他の失語症検査(Communicative Abilities in Daily Living:CADL,The Communicative Effectiveness Index:CETI)との間に有意な相関が認められ,妥当性の高い評価である可能性が示唆された.今後,症例数を増やし,さらなる検討を行っていく予定である.
This study assessed the reliability and validity of the Verbal Activity Log (VAL) in Japan. The VAL consists of several scales for evaluating the amount and quality of spoken language produced in 12 daily life scenes. Both patients and their caregivers participate in the rating. Spoken words were translated in a structured manner, and reliability and validity were tested in 11 patients with post-stroke aphasia. Both internal consistency and inter-rater reliability were high. The VAL findings correlated significantly with those of other types of aphasic assessments. In the future, we plan to conduct the research on a larger group of patients.

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