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聴力は正常だが,仕事や学校生活において聞き取りの問題を抱え,精神科を受診した成人例3名に対し,聴覚検査,視覚認知検査,聴覚電気生理学的検査を併用して実施し,各対象者の聞き取りの原因について分析した.この結果,3名ともに両耳分離聴検査などの聴覚情報処理に関する検査において成績低下がみられた.このうち1名は視覚認知検査で低下がみられず,聞き取りの背景に聴覚情報処理障害(auditory processing disorders:APD)の存在が疑われた.残りの2例については視覚認知検査においてもわずかな低下がみられたため,純粋なAPDからは区別した.電気生理学的検査では,聴性中間潜時反応(middle latency response:MLR)は全例で正常,視覚認知検査でも低下がみられた2例ではP300で潜時の延長がみられた以外は正常であり,聞き取りにかかわる微妙な機能低下に対しては他の脳機能評価の導入が必要と考えられた.各例には聞き取りの特性に関する説明と,補償手段についてのアドバイスを行った.成人期にみられるAPDに対しても,エビデンスに基づく支援の重要性が示唆された.
We investigated the cause of hearing problems during work or study for three adults without hearing loss. We used auditory tests, visual cognition tests, and auditory psychophysiological tests for the analysis of their problems. Results indicated that one patient's score declined only in the auditory processing tasks and we concluded that he had an auditory processing disorder. The other two patients showed decreased scores in both auditory and visual cognition tasks and thus we thought their hearing problems were affected by attention and memory. None of the three patients showed problems in auditory psychophysiological assessment. Other neuro-imaging methods should be used in the future to examine the cause of APD. We advised each patient on how to adjust their environment to compensate for their hearing problems. The importance of evidence-based management for adult APD was emphasized.

Copyright © 2010, Japanese Association of Speech-Language-Hearing Therapists. All rights reserved.