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◆要旨:女性におけるNuck管水腫は,腹膜鞘状突起が遺残し体液が貯留した状態であり,男性の精索・陰囊水腫に相当する.治療は主に鼠径部切開による水腫摘出術が行われるが,腹腔鏡下手術の報告は少ない.今回われわれは,成人Nuck管水腫に対する腹腔鏡下手術を5例経験した.平均年齢は40.4歳,右側3例,左側2例であった.鼠径部の疼痛を自覚する者が4例あった.術前にCT検査を施行し,水腫の存在と局在を確認した.手術はtransabdominal preperitoneal repair(TAPP)法にて行った.平均手術時間は97分,平均在院日数は3.6日であり,術後合併症なく良好な経過を得たので報告する.
Here we report our experience in laparoscopic surgery for hydrocele of the canal of Nuck in five adult patients. The mean patient age was 40.4 years. Three cases involved lesions on the right, two cases involved lesions on the left. Four patients of the five had inguinal pain. In all cases, preoperative CT examinations were performed to confirm the presence and localization of lesions. The operation was performed by transabdominal preperitoneal repair (TAPP). The mean operating time was 97minutes. In all cases, no postoperative complications were observed. Laparoscopic surgery is an effective procedure of surgery for hydrocele of the canal of Nuck.

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