

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Laparoscopic Hartmann's procedure for diffuse peritonitis arising from perforation in the left-sided colon Akiko MAGISHI 1 , Dai UEMATSU 1 , Gaku AKIYAMA 1 , Takehiko SUGIHARA 1 1Department of Digestive Surgery, Saku Central Hospital Advanced Care Center Keyword: 腹腔鏡下手術 , 大腸穿孔 , 汎発性腹膜炎 pp.593-600
Published Date 2018/9/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.4426200598
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[Objective] The aim of this study was to evaluate perioperative outcomes of laparoscopic Hartmann's procedure for diffuse peritonitis resulting from perforation of the left-sided colon. [Method] Between April 2008 and May 2017, a total of 46 patients with diffuse peritonitis resulting from perforation in the left-sided colon underwent laparoscopic Hartmann's procedure. [Results] The median total surgical time was 207 min (range, 124-356 min). The postoperative mortality rate was 13%, and intra-abdominal abscess rate was 15.2%. There were no intraoperative complications, and there was no wound infection or dehiscence of abdominal fascia. [Conclusion] This laparoscopic Hartmann's procedure for diffuse peritonitis arising from perforation of the left-sided colon is effective in reducing wound-related complications.

Copyright © 2018, JAPAN SOCIETY FOR ENDOSCOPIC SURGERY All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2186-6643 印刷版ISSN 1344-6703 日本内視鏡外科学会


