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◆要旨:【背景】腹腔鏡下胃全摘後再建における,食道断端への新しいアンビル固定法を考案した.本手術手技を報告する.【方法】①食道に全層縦切開を加えアンビルヘッドを挿入する.②first anchor suture(切開口側),③second anchor suture(切開肛門側)を加え,④アンビル近傍でliner stapler(LS) を用い食道を切断する.⑤staple lineとアンビルとの固定を行う.【結論】本法は特殊な器具を要せず,アンビルヘッドの挿入のみで固定が可能な,容易かつ安全な手技である.
[Background and object] A “direct anvil insertion method'' is a newly devised technique for safe and easy reconstruction after laparoscopic assisted total gastrectomy. We report the points of direct insertion of the anvil after laparoscopic assisted total gastrectomy. [Method] At first, an incision of approximately 1.5cm is created in the anterior esophagus wall, and an anvil tied with 2-0 monofilament nylon was inserted into the abdomen. ① anvil head is inserted into the esophagus. ②first anchor suture(oral side of the esophagus). ③second anchor suture(anal side of the esophagus). ④resection of the esophagus near the anvil using liner stapler(LS). ⑤staple line is tied up with the anvil. [Conclusion] This method has an advantage for its safety without any blind procedures. It is also a simple method that does not require any special devices and techniques.

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