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◆要旨:十二指腸上行部後壁GISTに対する腹腔鏡下十二指腸部分切除術の1例を報告する.患者は73歳の男性.S状結腸癌の術前の腹部CT検査で十二指腸上行部後壁の壁外に突出する20mm大の境界明瞭な腫瘍を認めた.S状結腸癌の術前診断はSM,N0,M0;Stage Iであり,一期的に腹腔鏡下手術を施行した.腹腔鏡補助下S状結腸切除術に引き続き,十二指腸上行部後壁を授動して,自動縫合器を用いて十二指腸上行部の部分切除を行った.術後合併症はなく,術後第9病日に退院となった.十二指腸腫瘍の病理検査結果はc-kit蛋白(+)の腫瘍細胞の増殖を認め,MIB-1 index<1%であり,低リスクのGISTと診断された.術後1年経過した現在再発を認めていない.
We report a case of a GIST located in the posterior wall of the ascending part of the duodenum, which could be resected laparoscopically. A 73-year-old man was admitted in order to remove a sigmoid colon cancer. On abdominal CT, another tumor, which was 20mm in size and well-demarcated, was found in the posterior wall of the ascending part of the duodenum. Preoperative staging of the sigmoid colon cancer was Stage I (T1, N0, M0). The patient synchronously underwent laparoscopic resection of the sigmoid colon cancer and the duodenal tumor. Laparoscopic sigmoidectomy was followed by laparoscopic duodenal partial resection using a linear stapler. The patient had no postoperative complication and was discharged on the 9 postoperative day. Histopathologically, the duodenal tumor showed positive reaction for c-kit protein, and MIB-1 index was less than 1%. The pathological diagnosis was GIST with low risk. One year after the operation, the patient had no recurrence.
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