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◆要旨:腹腔鏡補助下子宮筋腫核出術でバソプレッシン(以下,VP)の注入直後に心停止した症例を経験した.そこで投与直後の心機能の影響を調べ安全な使用法を検討した.対象は2005年6月~2009年12月までの徐脈群9例と非徐脈群121例である.徐脈群のVP投与量は9.0±3.9単位,非徐脈群は6.6±1.4単位で両者に有意差はないが,徐脈群は非徐脈群に比べ137%と増量傾向を認めた.またVP 6.6~6.8単位以下の投与では有意に徐脈症例数が低下した.VPの過剰投与を避けるために注入濃度は0.2単位/ml以下で総投与量は6.8単位以下とし,使用前に麻酔科へ事前に注意を喚起し,徐脈が生じた場合は回復に努めることが重要である.
Since we once experienced a patient who underwent sudden cardiac arrest immediately after intramyomerial injection of low-concentration vasopressin during a laparoscopically-assisted myomectomy(LAM), we evaluated the safer usage of vasopressin. Between June 2005 and December 2009, nine bradycardia patients and 121 non-bradycardia patients underwent LAM. Bradycardia was observed within 2.3±0.9 minutes after the intramyomerial injection of vasopressin, and it took 6.3±4.4 minutes until recovery. There was no change in the blood pressure. The dosage of dilute vasopressin used in the bradycardia group was 9.0±3.9 units, while 6.6±1.4 units of dilute vasopressin were used in the non-bradycardia group. No statistically significant difference was observed between the two groups. However, the total dosage increased by 137%in the bradradycardia group. In addition, the number of bradycardia patients significantly decreased after the dosage was reduced to less than 6.6-6.8 units in our patients. We therefore recommend that the administration of an excessive dose of vasopressin should be avoided, the dilute concentration should be under 0.2 unit/ml, and the maximal amount should be less than 6 .8 units. At the same time, close monitoring by means of electrocardiography is also considered to be essential to avoid any problems.

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