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◆要旨:患者は38歳,男性.2002年に脾囊胞(1cm)を指摘され,2007年には径8cm大に増大し,胃部不快感が出現したために当院を受診し,画像所見にて脾囊胞と診断した.経皮的脾囊胞穿刺を行い,細菌培養陰性,細胞診陰性で,laparoscopic dome resectionを施行した.残存囊胞壁をargon plasma coagulationにて焼灼し,囊胞壁に大網を縫着した.囊胞壁は白色調平滑で,病理診断は脾仮性囊胞であった.術後経過は良好で,術後3か月経過し再発を認めていない.本術式は良性脾囊胞に対して安全で低侵襲に施行しえる方法であり,大変有用であると思われた.
The case is 38-year-old man whose medical check-up showed the presence of a splenic cyst 1 cm in diameter in 2002 and 8 cm in 2007. He was admitted to our hospital because of epigastric discomfort. Percutaneous puncture of splenic cyst revealed no atypical cell and bacteria in the cystic contents. We performed laparoscopic dome resection and burned the residual cyst wall with argon plasma coagulation and sutured the greater omentum to the cyst wall. The cyst wall was smooth and white in color, and was histopathologically diagnosed as a pseudocyst. The patient has not experienced a recurrence over 3 months. Laparoscopic dome resection is a safe and effective method for treating a benign splenic cyst.

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