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新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)患者の体外式膜型人工肺(ECMO)の治療成績は,パンデミック以前のrespiratory ECMOの成績と同等の結果を示しており,ECMOはCOVID-19に伴う重症急性呼吸窮迫症候群(ARDS)への治療戦略の「最後の砦」として確固たる地位を築いている。パンデミック下であっても,基本的な管理法や導入基準は変わらない。各医療機関はサージキャパシティレベルに応じてECMOの不適応基準を厳格化すべきである。また,ECMO治療成績の維持・医療供給体制の維持のためにECMOセンターどうしがネットワークを構築し,資源の共有化・管理の画一化・患者の分散搬送を行い,医療資源の枯渇・医療崩壊を回避しなければならない。
For patients with COVID-19 infections, the mortality associated with veno-venous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (VV-ECMO) is similar to that for the pre-pandemic use of respiratory ECMO, and the statement “ECMO is the last option in the COVID-19-associated ARDS treatment algorithm” should be regarded as unwavering. The basic management and indications remain the same even during a pandemic. However, as hospital system capacity diminishes, contraindications for ECMO use should become more stringent. To maximize favorable outcomes from ECMO and the medical system, ECMO centers should create networks to share medical resources, standardize management, and coordinate referrals within geographic areas. As a result, we must avoid the depletion of medical resources and a resultant “crash” of the health-care system.

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