

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


The Renascence of the Electrical Transmission and Interaction among Neurons. Akira Watanabe 1 1Department of Physiology, Tokyo Medical and Dental University. pp.85-101
Published Date 1961/4/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.2425906183
  • Abstract
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 One of the recent developments in the field of the electrophysiology is the renascence of the idea of electrical transmission and interaction among neurons. Several types have been recognized, which are (1) the unpolarized electrical junction, as at the septa in the crayfish lateral giant fibers, (2) the polarized electrical junction, as at the crayfish lateral giant-motor giant synapse, (3) the electrical inhibitory synapse, as one on the Mauthner's cell, and (4) the electrical connection among neurons, as in the lobster cardiac ganglion or in the pufferfish supramcdullary cells. It is stressed that, although the word "ephapse"is sometimes used for denoting those electrical junctions, they are different from Arvanitaki's ephapse or Eccles' hypothetical electrical synapses. The important differences are (1) the direction of the local current, (2) the safety factor (3) the time course and the spatial distribution of the post-junctional potential, and (4) the excitability of the junctionnal membrane. It is further pointed out that an accidental contact between two axons never makes an electrical junction, because it needs highly specialized structures, in which two plasma membranes should come within a distance around 100Å.

Copyright © 1961, THE ICHIRO KANEHARA FOUNDATION. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1883-5503 印刷版ISSN 0370-9531 金原一郎記念医学医療振興財団


