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手動式白血球分類の信頼性とHoneywell ACS 1000半自動式白血球分類器の信頼性を,1日約50件の仕事量の持つ動物病理実験室で検討した.この研究に用いられたHoneywell分析器は主として自動制御顕微鏡,カラーテレビ映像,キイボード,数字標示板,プリンターより構成されている.
INTRODUCTION*1 -The reliability*2 of a semiautomatic white cell analyzer, Honeywell ACS 1000, versus*3 the reliability of manual differential counting has been tested in an animal pathology laboratory*4 with a workload of about 50 differentials per day. The Honeywell analyzer used in this research consists chiefly of*5 an automatically controlled micrcscope, a color TV screen, a keyboard, a numerical display, and a strip printer. Using the analyzer, differentiation between cell morphologies is achieved*6 by visual inspection of a single white cell and by depressing an appropriate key on the instrument. The technologist's analyzing speed is increased through automatic focusing and detection of white cells. The instrument has been recommended for use in intermediate size laboratories. Improved accuracy and precision in differentiation were the results of*7 a study by Fong, who learned that viewing a single enlarged white cell on the color TV screen imposed less strain on the technologist, in comparison to microscopic analysis. Abnormal differentials are rare in animal populations here ; the incidence of juvenile forms is less than four in 100,000 and the rate of rnetamyelocytes is two in 10,000. Even so*8, the analyzer is well equipped to handle any abnormalities found. The coordinates of an abnormal cell, when it occurs, are recorded by the technologist and the cell can be accurately located at a later time for review by the pathologist. The present study*9has been undertaken to compare the accuracy of manual with semiautomatic counting, and to examine the possibility of replacing a 100-cell count by a 50-cell count on the instrument.
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