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先天性凝固因子欠乏症のなかでは血友病A,Bおよびフォンヴィレブランド病(VWD)の頻度が高い.血友病A,Bとも様々な変異がデータベースに報告されている.血友病においては患者の遺伝子異常をもとに信頼性の高い保因者診断が可能である.type 2N VWDでは遺伝子解析が臨床診断において非常に有用である.先天性凝固阻止因子欠乏症の中でPS,PC,AT欠乏症は血栓症発症との因果関係が明らかであり,遺伝子異常の検索が診断に有用な場合がある.近年,ワルファリン投与量の個人差はVKORC1およびCYP2C9遺伝子のポリモルフィズムと関係することが明らかになった.
Haemophilia A, B and VWD are the commonest disease among the congenital coagulation disorders. Various kinds of mutations are registered in the hemophilia A or B databases. Using the causative mutation in a hemophilia patient, the career status is reliably determined for his female family. The gene analysis is very useful for the diagnosis of type 2N VWD. Congenital PS, PC and AT deficiency are known to be associated with a serious risk factor of venous thrombosis. The diagnosis of the diseases is often supported by the gene analysis. Recent studies have elucidated that the genetic polymorphisms of VKORC1 and CYP2C9 influence warfarin dosage.

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